Buffalo definitely knows how to take a dinosaur size shit right on your head. With this ever-sunny weather and the small-town quaintness... it makes me wanna puke up my intestines and use them as a noose.
Anyways... I've def been feeling like crap the past 2 days and I decided I need to get over it. I tried googling the meaning of life, but that didn't help. And since skipping town isn't really an option for the young entrepreneur, I'll have to settle with what I have. Thus becomes my first deep thought of the deep thought series...'living happily ever after'
Our generation, myself included, is under the impression that there is always something more to be had... always another rung on the ladder of life.
The first 20+ years of our life we're seasoned to think in milestones, then when school is over we set our own ridiculous goals, but when do we stop? When are we ever going to be happy if we always think there is something more waiting for us?.... damn grown-ups and their aspirations of college degrees and self-fulfillment... who put this idea in our heads?
And what is self-fulfillment? Find me one person in this entire world that doesn't need another human in their life to be happy. Even the most egotistical, 'I don't need anyone because I'm so damn special', types need an audience or they will crumble.
We're a generation of instant gratification as well. Did well on a test? GOLD STAR! Want sushi? WEGMANS GOT IT! Feeling lonely? Send a text, make a call, twitter, facebook, go to the bar, whatever. We're so afraid to do life alone, that we've developed a communication-power-house. We need rewards, especially the reward of other people telling us 'good job!' Without it, life just doesn't feel like your living.
Back in the caveman days you just hit a bear with a stick, killed it, hit a woman with a stick, dragged her home, told her to cook the bear, and then ate the damn bear and smiled and grunted about it the whole time. Life was so easy then, when you really had to work hard for the simple things. Even just one generation back there was some work ethic fluttering about. Now, with the whole big scary world at our fingertips, we don't know what the hell we want, we just know it's out there and we want it.
In this overstimulated all-access world, we've forgotten how to set our sights on something, achieve it, and EMBRACE IT. It's always the fairy tale adventure with us, never the happily ever after. I wanna know, Does the story stop when you settle? Does life just get shitty and boring, or is that when it finally starts to take on some meaning? I think I've been dicking around too long. The good life is here and I'm wasting it looking around for the gooder one.
All I know is: I've got a pretty rad group of friends, a solid business, a shitty car, an apartment with free heat, and a great family... I think it's time to snuggle up to this life I'm livin' in and make the most of it. So tomorrow I'm getting my hair cut, hanging out with Matt, and going to dinner with my besties Jenn and Ashley. It's gonna be a good day and I want for nothing. Simple livin' is the new ballin' out of control. And when Buffalo hands you dino-turds... well at least they're probably warm. Get cozy it's going to be another long winter.
stay tuned for more deep thoughts:
show some respect (for yourself)
the accidental generation
it is what it is
you can't change people you can only change yourself