
breaker breaker this is firebrand good buddy

I'm on a mission to increase communication along the Elmwood Strip. So now, my good blog readers, I present to you mission 'ElmwoodStripNiner, What's your 20?'

The mission goes like this: find CB radios and distribute them to local cool people and businesses along The Elmwood Strip. Next, plug those shits in and CB all fuckin' day! This way all the cool kids along the block can keep up with each other's haps. Genius, I know.

To prepare you, I've pnged 'B' section of a very long list of CB radio slang:

See you at the Beaver Palace... Over and Out!


  1. Jess we will get more words spread! Now that we have this great lingo the bussiness will start runnin' in.

  2. positiveapproach wants in missy!
    haha, or at least i do...
