
personal victory

back in the world war two days times were tough and american's were at risk of running out of food. households were asked to plant small vegetable gardens in their own backyards to help combat the threat of food shortage. millions of families made it their civic duty to cultivate their own 'victory garden'. in the 1940's victory gardens were the source of 1/3 of the veggies consumed by the american population. Today, victory gardens are popping up all over the country again. This time around their sprouting from threats of global warming, increased gas prices, and an economic slump.

firebrand is going to plant a garden in their front flower bed this summer, and we're urging others to do the same. If anything it'll be a lesson in horticulture, but hopefully by mid summer we'll have a fun little crop to snack on.

if all goes really well... we're going to have a big homemade spaghetti dinner to close of the summer, but let's not get ahead of ourselves.

to read more about victory gardens visit http://www.revivevictorygarden.org/

1 comment:

  1. Good for you! My parent's garden grows all kinds of awesome stuff and I'm sure this year will be no exception. We usually grow a TON of basil so please let me know if you ever want any. I'll probably just give them to you whether you like it or not!
