Science is discovering that our feet actually work pretty damn good (thanks evolution!) We don't need all this fancy shmancy arch-support-pronate-correcting-triple-insole-super-traction-mumbo-jumbo. In fact, all that crap is reversing the progress our pretty little feet have made over the millions of years us humans have been standing on them.
I guess the more flexible a shoe, and the less it "corrects" your foot the better it is! Now that doesn't mean walk barefoot, shoes are still nice for walking on sharp surfaces and keeping you feet clean. Not to mention they can look pretty shwanky if you buy them from FIREBRAND.
So what's my point? Throw out your dads stupid white cross-training sneakers (you know-the ones that match his tubesocks) and tell him to get hip and get healthy! And if you grandma even thinks about coming in here and asking me about arch support tell her to wear her padded panties.
more info click here
Well, my Grandma won't let you make it (joke apart). Thanks for sharing your views.