Seriously, I went to Wegmans and all they had was Santa's Favorites. Were Jingles a figment of my imagination...those yummy sparkley christmas treats?
I had to investigate, here's what I discovered:
Jingles are real... at least they were. Back in the day Salerno made 'Jingles', a delicious anise flavored cookie in various christmasy shapes. Then, Keebler bought the Salerno brand and threw away all the Salerno favorites, except Jingles. Keebler changed the Jingles recipe leaving out the anise flavor, but still called the cookies Jingles. Years later, Salerno reemerged in the cookie industry and brought back the original Jingles recipe. However, because Keebler had rights to the Jingle name, Salerno had to rename their old classic. And thus Santa's Favorites became the new Jingles.

"Jessie, I can't believe we're blogging about Jingles." - Matt
Believe it.
OMG Thank you for posting this! I was wondering what happened to those! The REAL Jingles RULE.